Instructed by Laura Beyer (Hearty Greetings)
PRICE: $150
Class Size: Maximum 8
Design your own letterpress Valentine’s Day cards in this one-day workshop. Students will learn basic lead typesetting and printing techniques to create a set of twenty 4x 6 folded greeting cards with your custom design. This workshop will teach the primary skills of letterpress printing using type from Signal-Return’s extensive collection. Each participant will learn how to properly compose, lock-up, and print a form on our presses.
Celebrate with your special someone, enjoy learning something new or refine your letterpress skills to create a special Valentine love note! Come with an idea of your message. Think short and sweet, keep text within 6 words or less or about 40 letters.
Cost of workshop includes materials, instruction by guest instructor and takeaway prints. Paper in this workshop is from French Paper Company, a small Michigan Paper Mill around for more than 140 years.